Sukhaprasavada Ghrit

सुखप्रसवदा घृत


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Pregnancy indeed is the most beautiful phase that comes with its own set of difficulties as well as joy. For some, it is extremely easy throughout the 9 months, while for others it is not so. For most of the women, the first trimester is usually the most troubling and things get batter after this. In some cases, it is the last trimester that comes with complications. So, apart from being wonderful, it is also a unique experience in everybody’s life. But, all through these nine months a feeling of keeping your baby safe and healthy is persistent. And this holds true for every mother on this planet. If you are pregnant, and want to make sure that you have a healthy baby, normal delivery and at the end become a healthy mother, ayurveda has sukhaprasavada ghrit for pregnancy.

Ayurveda has herbal help for everyone. From infant to adult and elderly people, if you want to gain health, ayurveda has formulations to achieve this. And anyone can use it since it is completely safe. However, during pregnancy, you should use sukhaprasavada ghrit for pregnancy or any other medicine only under the supervision of an ayurvedic doctor. So, we will today talk about the benefits of sukhaprasavada ghrita and will also tell you how you can get free online consultation while sitting at home. Let us start with the ingredients of sukhaprasavada ghrit and then we will see the list of benefits of sukhaprasavada ghrit.


Sukhaprasavada ghrit contain a few herbs that are highly beneficial for any would be mother. Unlike most of the other ayurvedic medicines that contain a huge number of herbs, sukhaprasavada ghrit for pregnancy contain only selected herbs because it has to be used by expecting mothers. Following is the list of ingredients of sukhaprasavada ghrit.

  • Upodika rasa – Basella rubra
  • Urvaru phala rasa – fruit juice of Dolichos biflorus / Cucumis sativus
  • Ghee – Clarified butter
  • Milk
  • Bhadrika – Sida cordifolia
  • Yashti – Licorice – Glycyrhiza glabra

Yashti/ licorice/ mulethi is something you might be aware of. It is a medicinal herb that is known for its action on immunity and other aspects of human health. Apart from this, fresh milk and clarified butter contribute to the making of sukhaprasavada ghrit for pregnancy. Rest, all the other herbs may not sound familiar. But, it is fine to trust them because they are all used extensively in one or the other ayurvedic product.


Sukhaprasavada ghrit for pregnancy is given to would be mothers in the 7th and 8th month of pregnancy.  The ayurvedic doctors believe that taking sukhaprasavada ghrita for pregnancy during this time ensures easy delivery of child. The chances of caesarian are reduced and you would probably have a normal vaginal delivery if no other complication arises. The benefits of sukhaprasavada ghrit include reduction in any delay. If you take sukhaprasavada ghrita for pregnancy during this time, you would have the following advantages by your side:

  • There would not be any delay in delivery. Your baby will most probably arrive in this world around the estimated date of delivery only.
  • The time for which a female has to bear the labor pain also varies. Some deliver the baby within an hour of starting pain, while others have this time stretched to 12 hours. This too can be reduced with the use of sukhaprasavada ghrit for pregnancy.
  • The benefits of sukhaprasavada ghrit make the entire delivery process easy enough by not only reducing the time period of pain, but also by decreasing the intensity of pain. It is indeed a fact that the pain during delivery is almost unbearable, but, it can be reduced to a great extent with the use of sukhaprasavada ghrit for pregnancy.

These were the benefits of sukhaprasavada ghrita and to avail all these, there are two basic requirements. One is prescription from an experienced ayurvedic doctor and other one is pure sukhaprasavada ghrit. The former is necessary because you need to take in the quantity exactly needed by your body. And, this can be determined only by an ayurvedic doctor after going through your medical history and present condition. The later is required because you are in the last trimester of pregnancy and at this point, you cannot let anything go inside your body. So, it should be pure sukhaprasavada ghrita and nothing less than that. Here is how you can get free online consultation and can also get 100% pure sukhaprasavada ghrit for pregnancy at your doorstep.


Paramanand ayurveda is a name known for delivering quality ayurvedic products. One cannot take a chance by compromising with quality, especially in this crucial phase of life. So, it is best if you order sukhaprasavada ghrita for pregnancy only from paramanand ayurveda. This is because the quality of ingredients as well as the process of manufacturing is kept under supervision of medical experts at paramanand ayurveda. Additionally, you can also get free online consultation over a phone call. Just dial the toll free number- 18001030318 and talk to the team of ayurvedic doctors at paramanand ayurveda. Once you have a personalized prescription from an ayurvedic doctor, place your order for sukhaprasavada ghrita for pregnancy online at Or, you can also place your order at 18001030318. So, go ahead and make your delivery least painful with the benefits of sukhaprasavada ghrita.

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