Chitraka Powder
चित्रक चूर्ण
₹190 – ₹740
Benefits:Powerful digestive and Carminative Herb, balances Vata and Kapha Doshas, Carminative, Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Aging, Anti-Colic, Analgesic, Useful in Digestion Health, Intestinal worm infestation, Hemorrhoids, Amenorrhoea, Hepatomegaly
Chitraka powder is one of the best ayurvedic churna that finds its use in multiple health problems. Not only for treating a few diseases, but the churna is also well known for enhancing overall health and boosting immunity. There are many other such uses that will make you believe in nature’s healing capabilities with chitraka powder. The herbal powder or churna is made up of the herb chitrak. Have you ever heard of it? Even if you haven’t, it’s completely fine because what matters most here is to know the benefits of chitrak powder. If you are here to find a natural and reliable solution to any particular disease, just check whether the disease is one the list of chitraka churna benefits or not. If it is there, you can order the herbal product and enjoy the benefits of chitraka powder. However, if you feel chitraka powder is not of much help, just dial the toll free number – 18001030318. We will also tell you how you can easily reach the right ayurvedic medicines according to the need of your body in a short while. Right now, let us see all the chitraka churna benefits.
Chitrak is the herb responsible for all the healing abilities of chitraka powder. The scientific name of chitrak is Plumbago zeylanica, and it is one of the favorites of all the scientists working on herbal medicines. Thanks to the speed up of research in the field of herbal medicine, ayurvedic products like chitraka churna or chitraka powder are back in the market. Not sure of its impact on the medicine market, but this is surely good for human health. You will also understand it better once you know all the benefits of chitraka powder. So, without delaying it anymore, first have a look at the list of chitraka churna benefits.
The benefits of chitraka powder starts with its capability of maintaining the right electrolytic balance in human body. In case you don’t know, electrolyte imbalance in your body can cause weakness, fatigue and fluctuations in blood pressure and this can also put pressure in your heart.
- Chitraka powder is a good natural expectorant and hence the herbal powder is prescribed in acute cases of cough as well as in many other respiratory tract problems. This is why it is used to reduce inflammation and very effective in bronchitisand chronic sinusitis.
- Any disease caused due to inflammation can be dealt with the use of chitraka powder due to its anti- inflammatory nature.
- Allopathic drugs might have been your favorite, but, they are actually playing with your immune system since the time you started relying on them. The pills actually suppress the body’s own disease fighting mechanism and leave you with a body vulnerable to many diseases. This probably is the worst side effect of allopathic drugs. And this is the reason people prefer using ayurvedic solutions like chitraka powder. Be it chitraka powder or any other ayurvedic medicine, the natural medicines boost your immune strength while treating any disease.
- Chitraka churna is excellent laxative and since natural, can be used for a really long time. So, if you have a problem of constipation, try chitraka powder instead of ineffective pills.
- Not only constipation, but the painful problems occurring due to disturbed digestion -piles can also be healed with the use of chitraka churna benefits.
- The problem of high cholesterol is a root cause of many other health disturbances. If you too have disturbed cholesterol levels, try chitraka powder to lower down cholesterol levels naturally and without disturbing your overall health.
Being an excellent anti- inflammatory agent, chitraka churna benefits in complicated and painful problems like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The patients of the two types of arthritis can very well understand the value of a natural cure that leaves no side effects. and chitraka powder is definitely a potent alternative to daily pain killer.
- Chitraka powder is famous as a natural liver cleanser that detoxifies and gives you a healthy liver. The herb chitraka is hepatoprotective in nature and it promotes healthy liver functioning in a variety of ways. It also may contain beneficial enzymes such as protease, invertase to promote the functioning of a healthy liver.
- Not only your liver, but your digestive tract can also receive a lot from this amazing herb. Chitraka churna benefits stomach by soothing the intestine and giving it a healthy and balanced digestion.
With all these chitraka churna benefits, you might be amazed to see so many diseases that can be healed with just one ayurvedic powder. Ayurveda owes this ability to the amazing herbs that are chosen directly from the wilds. However, with the increase in demand of ayurvedic products, there is a risk of getting synthetic medicines under the label of natural herbs. Yes, till a few years ago, ayurveda was struggling to have scientific proof of effectiveness. Now when the entire world knows that this indeed is a scientifically proven healer, the next hurdle is to fight with adulteration and provide pure natural products so that people really get what they deserve. It may take time to regularize things, till then, you should buy ayurvedic medicines from sellers having well established names. Don’t get attracted towards unreasonably higher discounts and choose sellers like This ayurvedic company has a history of delivering quality product at reasonable price. Not only this, you can directly talk to ayurvedic doctors for free at 18001030318. For any assistance regarding ordering, or any ayurvedic product, or the dosage information of chitraka powder, just make a call and get ayurvedic medicines at your doorstep.
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