Kutaj Powder
कुटज चूर्ण
₹160 – ₹320
Benefits:Useful in Diarrhea, Bleeding Disorders, Gout, Herpes, Relieves Intestinal Worm Infestation, Indigestion, Fever, Hemorrhoids, Detoxify Blood, Improves Digestion Strength, Quenches Thirst, Balances Kapha and Pitta
Kutaj powder or kutaj churna is an ayurvedic formulation that is inherits the medicinal and healing abilities of the herb named Holarrhena antidysenterica. Have you ever heard of this? It is also known as sakra and a few other names in India. It is used by ayurvedic doctors for its anti dysenteric properties. In fact, people with knowledge of herbs believe it is the best natural solution to diarrhea and dysentry because of the strong anti microbial activities the herb possess. But, according to the ancient ayurvedic texts and also as per the recent scientific experiments carried out in different corners of the world, there are a wide variety of kutaj churna health benefits.
Yes, thousands of people in India count on kutaj churna for stomach ailments, but, its uses are not confined only to stomach. Following is a list of kutaj churna health benefits. If you find the problem you are suffering from on the list, talk to an ayurvedic doctor and experience some magical changes by using kutaj churna for stomach diseases and other problems. Yes, it is compulsory to consult an ayurvedic doctor, but not difficult. You can easily get free online consultation while sitting as home with paramanandayurveda.com. We will talk about it in the coming sections, before that, have a look at the list of kutaj churna health benefits.
- Kutaj churn
a for stomach: Let us first see the use of kutaj powder for which it is famous. Kutaj churna or kutaj powder is excellent at treating any digestive disorder. According to ayurveda, Kutaj churna for stomach problems helps in maintaining a healthy and powerful functioning of the digestive system. It enhances the strength of your digestive system and hence helps you have a healthy and disease free body. Apart from this general benefit, the herbal powder is also capable of managing diarrhea and dysentery due to its antimicrobial activity. In fact, it can treat some complicated stomach infections like the presence of intestinal worms. So, to avail the general kutaj churna health benefits or to treat any infection in stomach, try out kutaj churna and the problem will be gone.
- Promotes healthy skin: Most of the people use Kutaj churna for stomach problems, but only your ayurvedic doctor can tell you all the kutaj churna health benefits. According to some recent studies trying to examine the medicinal power of kutaj, the herb also promotes healthy skin. Hence, the same herbal powder can be used to get a glowing and radiant skin. And trust us on this, the claim is different from what the cosmetic companies being sold in the market and unbelievably high price make. This indeed is effective because the same is cited in ancient ayurvedic texts too.
- Bleeding piles: What can be more painful than bleeding piles? Of course, the surgical procedure is much more painful. You end up spending a lot of money on surgery that does not even guarantee that the problem will be resolved after this. Thankfully, you now have a less painful and easy way to get rid of painful piles. Many ayurvedic doctors recommend the use of kutaj churna health benefits in order to get rid of this chronic problem naturally.
Kidney stone: It is a problem when solid masses accumulate inside your kidney. The small sized but hard deposits may continue to grow in size silently. But, while passing out, they make the life of the patient hell. Again, there are a few medicines and ultimately surgical removal of kidney stone. And, if you want to get rid of it naturally and permanently, order your pack of kutaj powder right now.
- Jaundice: Due to high bilirubin levels, your skin turns pale yellow. This results from the destruction of the red blood cells due to some disease. Although this is quite common, sometimes, it turns out to be fatal. From infant to old aged people, anyone can get it anytime. But, if you want a holistic and natural solution without any side effects, talk to your ayurvedic doctor. He will certainly recommend you kutaj churna for stomach problems along with a few other highly beneficial ayurvedic medicines.
These were the kutaj churna health benefits for which you should use the herbal powder. Yes, the kutaj powder that is free from impurities like chemicals, preservatives, starch, additives, colors, yeast, binders, fillers can treat all the diseases listed above. How to be sure of purity? Just buy it from a place known for purity- paramanandayurveda.com. Although there are many medicines containing kutaj in some form or the other, you can buy the purest and 100% natural kutaj churna for stomach problems and other diseases mentioned above from paramanandayurveda.com. Kutaj capsules are also available in market, but, it is better if you take the powder since it will easily get absorbed in your body.
Since you are dealing with an ayurvedic medicine, you also need consultation from an ayurvedic doctor who would guide in the right direction. Minor factors like the right dose, the best adjuvant and the time to take kutaj powder ultimately determine its overall effectiveness. So, better talk to an ayurvedic doctor before ordering kutaj churna from paramanandayurveda.com. If you don’t have any ayurvedic doctor near your place, just dial the toll free number- 18001030318 and get free online consultation over a phone call. Not only this; in case of any problem in placing an order at paramanandayurveda.com, dial the same number and get a solution. So, it is a one stop solution to all your ayurvedic needs. Go ahead and avail the kutaj churna health benefits by talking to a good ayurvedic doctor.
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