Bharangi Powder
भारंगी चूर्ण
₹240 – ₹820
Benefits:Balances Kapha and Vata Dosha, Used in treating Allergic Rhinitis, Fever, Asthma and Inflammatory conditions, Effective in Chronic Respiratory Conditions , Tuberculosis, Abdominal Tumors, Anti-Pyretic, Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Microbial, Anti-Oxidant
By balancing kapha and vata dosha as per the principles of ayurveda, bharangi powder benefits in almost every respiratory problem. However, if you also think that its benefits are confined only to respiratory tract, just check your facts again. The powerful herb is useful in a wide variety of diseases. Yes, just like many other powerful herbs in ayurveda, bharangi too acts on various body parts and has a lot of health benefits. The powder made up after crushing the herbs thus gives human body natural healing experience. It can be understood by those who have used ayurveda and ayurvedic medicines in past. But, in case you haven’t tried any ayurvedic formulation in past, you have got to try this one.
Today, more and more people are choosing ayurveda over allopathic drugs. Factors like drug tolerance and inseparable side effects of allopathic medicines are to be blamed for this. However, the effectiveness of ayurvedic medicines, and ease of consulting an ayurvedic doctor for free, ordering and using the ayurvedic medicines with also have a huge role to play. If you are new to ayurveda, this is the right place to start with. If you have used bharangi powder in respiratory ailments or in any other health complications, you can easily compare the quality and experience. In both the cases, let us first see a comprehensive list of bharangi powder benefits. After this we will see how to consult an ayurvedic doctor for free, that too while sitting at home. From respiratory problems to curing tumor in the abdomen, bharangi powder can be used in about a dozen of health problems. Here is the list of bharangi powder benefits:
- Common infections like cold can sometimes turn your life upside down. When you have nothing to control it in allopathic, or the so called modern medicine, ayurveda comes to rescue. You can get rid of cold and also minimize the damage done by this with the help of bharangi powder.
- Sometimes, you are struggling with allergic rhinitis knowingly or unknowingly. Bharangi powder, being bronchodilator and mucolytic in nature, helps a lot in this and all similar type of allergies.
- Because bharangi powder is known to pacify vata dosha, bharangi powder benefits list also contain some painful problems like rheumatic conditions, gout and joint pain. Those suffering from the problems can relate to how much pain is associated with these. Over and above the pain due to disease, excess of dependency on antibiotics and pain killers is harming their health. To save yourself from both- the pain and the adverse effects, just choose bharangi powder and have a healthy future.
- One of the rarely discussed bharangi powder benefits is its ability to control any unusual growth taking place in the abdomen. It is also prescribed by many ayurvedic doctors to cure abdominal tumors and this fact has been proved in several experimental studies as well.
- Apart from normal cold and cough, people use bharangi powder for respiratory ailments like tuberculosis, sinus and asthma. All these might be caused because of different reasons, but at the end, the respiratory tract suffers. And the worst part is that these allergies and infections are increasing in India because of drastic increase in pollution levels. Hence, the need of a holistic cure like bharangi powder increases to manifolds. It is going to take almost a decade for situation to get better, till then use bharangi powder for respiratory ailments and stay healthy.
- Apart from skin, respiratory tract and abdomen, the herbal powder also has reach to liver. With an amazingly natural hepatoprotective action, the herbal powder is an excellent solution to problems like jaundice. Not only it cures the problem, but also ensures speedy recovery.
Bharangi powder is perfect for killing intestinal worms. In no way this harms the healthy cells and good bacteria in human gut. However, it just targets the intestinal worms and makes sure none of them survive in your body.
These were the bharangi powder benefits that make it worth trying. Just order and try it once and you will never forget the magic of ayurveda. No other science on this planet is as pure and holistic as ayurveda. Its existence can be dated back to some 6000 years ago, and in these thousands of years, many healing methodologies have been introduced. However, not a single one has been able to survive and make its mark in people’s heart. Ayurveda is able to stay there when people had blind faith on the instantly effective allopathic medicines. Even today when we know all the adverse effects of allopathy, ayurveda is there for us. And the magical science has survived only because of its effectiveness and holistic healing.
No one was promoting it because it was not a million dollar industry like pharma companies. Still, it has reached in almost every country, and this makes us believe in it. If you too believe in it and want to try out bharangi powder for respiratory problem or any other health issue discussed above, just order it from However, if you have any doubt regarding bharangi powder benefits, or wants to get in touch with an ayurvedic doctor, or want any type of assistance in using any ayurvedic medicine, just call on 18001030318. With just one call, you can get free online consultation from ayurvedic doctors, resolve any query related to ayurveda or bharangi powder benefits, get details and help in ordering your product from and can also get to know ayurveda from the perspective of a team of experts. So, go ahead and take the first step towards a healthy future by ordering the ayurvedic medicine you need.
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