Showing 337–352 of 373 results
Trikatu Powder
त्रिकटु पाउडर
₹280 – ₹530Benefits:Chemo-Protective, Anti-Viral, Appetizer & Digestive Stimulant, Fat Burner, Anti-Inflammatory, Effect on Tridosha, Pacifies Kapha and Vata, Increase Pitta, Good for body aches with heaviness in body and effective in Weight Loss, Reduces Cholesterol levels, Useful in throat infection, Relieves Anorexia, Useful in Diabetes
Triphala Powder
त्रिफला चूर्ण
₹95 – ₹310Benefits:Excellent for Digestion, Skin and Eyesight, Gives Energy, Strength and Vitality to the body, Laxative, Anti-Oxidant, Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Cancer, Anti-Pyretic, Anti-Hypertensive, Very Effective in Obesity, Helps in Weight Loss
Vacha Powder
वच चूर्ण
₹120 – ₹220Benefits:Useful in Improving Intelligence, Speech, Voice Tone Quality, Useful in Neurological Disorders like Epilepsy, Schizophrenia, Relives digestion problems also like Bloating, Constipation & provide strength to digestive system, Neuroprotective, Anti-Convulsant, Anti-Depressant, Muscle Relaxant, Anti-Hypertensive
Vanshlochan Powder
वंशलोचन चूर्ण
₹300 – ₹560Benefits:Restorative effect on Body Tissues, Increases Immunity, Effective in Debility, Impotence, Male Sexual Disorders, Asthma, Leprosy, Pacifies Vata and Pitta, Improves overall Health