Showing 17–32 of 373 results
Ashwagandha Powder
अश्वगंधा चूर्ण
₹280 – ₹560Benefits:Best Medicine for Stress, Anxiety, Lack of Sleep, Referred as Balya, Provides Strenghth in general Debility, Used as Aphrodisiac, Supports Sexual Health, Balances Vata and Kapha Doshas
Avipattikar Churna (Sharmayu) – 5 digestive benefits in one
अविपत्तिकर चूर्ण
₹1,081Avipattikar Churna by Sharmayu is a traditional Ayurvedic herbal formulation that has been trusted for centuries to address various digestive health concerns. This unique blend of herbs is meticulously prepared using time-tested ingredients sourced from nature to promote a healthy digestive system and balance the Pitta dosha. It is especially beneficial for those suffering from acidity, heartburn, indigestion, and other gastrointestinal discomforts.
Avipattikar Powder
अविपत्तिकर चूर्ण
₹190 – ₹710Benefits:Used for Digestive Problems, Hyperacidity, Gastritis, Burning Ache, Loss of Appetite Indigestion, Also effective in Urinary Problems, Difficulty in Micturition, Kidney Stones, Piles, Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Oxidant, Antacid, Antilithiactic, Carminative, Digestive Stimulant, Balances Pitta Dosha