Vedic Herbal Tea


Benefits:Immune Booster, Metabolism Booster, Anti-Pyretic, Anti-inflammatory, Respiratory Tonic

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Benefits: – Immune Booster, Metabolism Booster, Anti-Pyretic, Anti-Inflammatory, Respiratory Tonic

Uses :- As Health Tea, Morning Tea, Corona Infection, Respiratory Problems, Cold & Cough, Pneumonia Symptoms, Slow Digestion, Slow Metabolism, Immunity Weakness, Weight Management, Eyesight Weakness, Fever, E.T.C

Ingredients: – Giloy, Amla, Mulethi, Dalchini, Somlata, Sunthi, Tulsi, Vantulsi, Akarkara, Sanjeevni

How To Use: – Take 4 Gms And Boil It In 200 Ml Water For 4 To 5 Mins. Filter It And Drink It. This Is For Two People. So If You Have More Than Two People You Should Increase The Dosage Accordingly.

In Hindi :-

फायदे :- रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता को विकसित करना, पंचन क्रिया को सदृढ़ और मजबूत बनाना, बुखार ठीक करना, स्वास प्रणाली को ताकत देना, शरीर के अंदर सूजन कम करना

उपयोग :- चाय के रूप में, कोरोना में, सर्दी खांसी में, स्वास समस्याओं में, सर दर्द में, बुखार में, निमोनिआ में, कमजोर पाचन क्रिया में, कमजोरी में, वायरस या बैक्टीरिया के संक्रमण में, वजन नियंत्रण के लिए, कमजोर दृष्टि में, सुबह चाय की तरह सेवन करने के लिए एक उत्तम पेय

सामग्री :- गिलोय, मुलेठी, दालचीनी, अमला, सोंठ, अकरकरा, सांजेवीनी, तुलसी, वनतुलसी, सोमलता

कैसे इस्तेमाल करें :- 4 ग्राम लें और 200 Ml पानी में उबले 5 मिनट के लिए। उसके बाद छान के पी लें। यह दो लोगों के लिए उपयुक्त मात्रा है। ज्यादा लोगो के लिए क्रमश: मात्रा बढ़ा लें।

Vedic Herbal Tea has been prepared with a variety of high quality ayurvedic herbs combined together in adequate proportions as recommended by our great sages and ancient ayurvedic healers. If you desire for a healthy and energetic body & mind, you need to start your day with Vedic Herbal Tea. Not only does it power you with boost of energy but it also protects you from various life-threatening diseases like Corona, Pneumonia e.t.c. By using it regularly you can ensure that you and your family stay away from diseases like Corona & other pathogenic problems.

If we talk about the ingredients of Vedic Herbal Tea, you can see the list mentioned above. These are all special herbs and are very effective and potent in their own right. But think about the wonders they will do if they are combined together. That is what Vedic Herbal Tea provides. In our special formulation, all these herbs work together in synergy with one another, complementing each other and increasing the benefits many folds.

Giloy is an excellent immunity booster plus balancer. Amla fights toxins and powers the digestive systems. Mulethi is excellent for the respiratory system. Dalchini works very good on the digestive and respiratory system. Somlata is very effective in lightening up the immune cells. Sunthi is great for the lungs, and cells in our wind pipe and air sacs. Tulsi is superfood for lungs and respiratory tract. Vantulsi is another powerful herb, a variant of Tulsi, which works both on respiratory tract as well as digestion. Akarkara is a strong immunity booster, energy explosive and overall health booster. Sanjeevni as the name suggests has the ability to bring to life people who are in almost near death situation. Chronic and complicated fevers can be cured with it. If such effective and powerful herbs are going to work together, can you imagine the massive benefits for your health.

There has been lot of use of Green Tea these days. But compared to Vedic Herbal Tea, the advantages of Green Tea are very low. Green tea only helps with metabolism, but Vedic Herbal Tea works on many other factors compared to Green Tea.

Immunity Booster No Yes
Metabolism Booster Yes Yes
Anti-Pyretic (Controlling Fever) No Yes
Anti-Pathegonic No Yes
Weight Management Yes Yes
Eyesight Improvement No Yes

As you can see in the above table, the benefits of Vedic Herbal Tea are far greater than Green Tea. Not only that, it tastes better than green tea.

Vedic Herbal Tea is by far the best herbal tea for your health if you are looking to protect your all-round health and that of your family. It is easy to use. Also the taste is not difficult like many other Ayurvedic Kadhas that you might have taken. In fact, Vedic Herbal Tea is a Kadha, but it has been formulated so carefully and precisely, that it embarks so many health benefits and its taste is also good. Our doctors and experts have prepared this herbal formulation specially for today’s time. We face much more health challenges today, than we ever did. Corona, Plague, Cancer, Diabetes, e.t.c many life threatening health problems are roaming around us. That is why it is important for us to be prudent and take our precautions. We should ensure that we give required emphasis towards our health and take the necessary measures to protect it and keep it strong and ready to fight any incoming challenge. Vedic Herbal Tea helps you to take appropriate care of your health in terms with the challenges we face today.

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