Gokhru Kwath (Gokshura Kwath) Dry
Gokhru Kwath is a very useful in kidney problems and urinary tract infections (UTI). It has been very productive for diabetes, kidney stones, urinary infections and other diseases. It is also a very good tonic to boost your sex life.
Gokharu is an herb that has been proven highly beneficial for human health and has been used for centuries for different health diseases. It is an herb that helps in controlling all three types of doshas such as Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The fruit, leaf, and stem of Gokhru are used as medicine in Ayurveda for centuries. If used regularly, it proves to be effective not only for disease but also in curing sexual problems.
In the Charaka-Samhita, Gokharu uses has been mentioned in various health problems. The scripture mentions its use mainly in the treatment of urinary diseases and Vata-associated diseases. Even Gokharu Kwath is used to reduce swelling of the body. Its leaves are like gram.
Gokharu Kwath Benefits
Many types of urinary complications may occur in the urinary tract system including pain and burning while urinating, frequent urination, less urination, etc. In such problems, it is important to get the right treatment at the right time. In all these problems Gokharu works as a boon.
Putting honey in 20-30 ml of Gokhru Kadha and serving it two or three times a day will render immense relief in urinary-related complications.
If you are dealing with the problem of urine inconsistency then mix Gokharu powder in an equal quantity of rice and boiling it in water. Have a sip of this tincture two or three times a day. It will improve your urine frequency.
Today people often face kidney stones problems due to today’s lifestyle and polluted diet. The consumption of Gokhru helps in removing the stones in a natural way. Consuming Gokharu Kwath with honey three times a day and after it taking goat milk helps you break down the stone and that broken stone is excreted by the body by urine.
If you are facing problems in becoming a father due to low sperm count, then consuming Gokharu will help you get rid of this problem. Boil 20 grams Gokhru Kwath in 250 ml milk and take it in the morning and evening. It will cure sperm-related problems very effectively. Apart from that boiling 10 grams of Gokharu Kwath and 10 grams of Shatavari in 250 M.L of milk and consuming this decoction will increase the count and quality of sperm and gives strength to the body. Many researches also indicate that Gokhshur also improves the libido in both men and women.
Gokharu can effectively curb inflammation and pain of any part of the body. Hence it is highly beneficial if you are dealing with arthritis-associated complications. It reduces the swelling thus alleviates the pain.
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